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Social Media November 12, 2016

Unravel Instagram Ads with this Chipnote!

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

We were all a little surprised when we saw posts with the sponsored mark on our Instagram feeds. Did Instagram really have to all brands to show ads? As of date, if you have a brand, you can now advertise on Instagram. The company has tried to make the ad experience as user friendly as possible, by making it appear in your feed just like any other photo would.

The ads feature was introduced to help brands reach out the young user base that comprises almost all off Instagram’s users. The fastest growing social media website wants to harness the power of a well-curated visual medium. Just like individuals, brands can fine-tune their pictures to speak to their audience through the visual medium. The call to action button allows user to access more information about the brand directly from the ad. Since the ad is just like any other post, brands can interact with their audience directly.

So far, brands have seen a growth in their user base. Instagram ads will only continue to grow from here on.

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