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Blog November 13, 2014

How Corporate films strengthen the Brand Image

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

It is said that “Seeing is more of believing” and that’s the reason why video leaves lasting impression on humans than any printed words or still pictures. By mere definition of it, corporate films are films or video coverage of Company’s story, its products or services. It revolves around the basic idea of company’s theme, its core policy and helps in establishing the corporate identity in market. In short, corporate films are systematically produced videos that showcase the company in good light and highlight each and every aspect of their work processes in just 5 minutes.

There are many types of corporate films that company need to make it like promotional videos, product demonstration, presentation videos, film documenting a special event or some issue or simply a video of advertising the product or service. The process of corporate film making involves the same steps as any feature film, Pre-production,  scripting, production and post-production involving editing. But what makes it different from feature films is that its central idea revolves around Company’s vision. Coming to corporate films and branding, we need to understand that we all live in fast paced visual world today, where everything is ruled out by one simple function we all demand, which is instant gratification. Videos have the ability to associate with the viewer through emotion, humor and most importantly with the element of entertainment. The visual aids work as the core part of the company. They are resourceful, impactful and leave a vital lasting impression on the minds of viewers. Making a powerful corporate film completes the company’s communication branding strategy and reveals company’s true strength. It adds credibility and assists to market the company or product in the right way. These corporate films agency believe in making a film that is reflection to the corporate identity of the client .It’s like giving your client’s vision, wings to fly, understanding the purpose behind everything, and portraying it in the best possible way.There are certain rules which a Corporate film agency needs to work on to make it a perfect catch for it clients:

  • Keep on innovating
  • Keep it simply creative
  • Establish the concept
  • Keep your vision clear
  • Should benefit the business
  • Marketing your video to target audience
  • Don’t ever bore your audience in your corporate video. Connect with the real people and real stories.

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