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Blog September 8, 2017

Trends That Are Changing Social Media In 2017

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

Social media continues to become a bigger and bigger part of our lives. It has also taken over the way we shop, talk, eat and conduct business. As social media continues to evolve, here are the newest social media trends for 2017.

Advertising on social media

Advertising on social media platforms has taken precedence over other platforms of advertising. With Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram allowing brands to create targeted ads, it has become easier to reach out to potential customers.


Social media and e-commerce

As the relationship between social media and advertising grows, so does the relationship between social media and e-commerce. Facebook and Instagram have added features that allow users to purchase products directly from these social media platforms. As the trend grows more popular, it might be beneficial to add the call to action button to your Facebook or Instagram feed.


Live content

Live content is increasingly becoming popular, and it is set to explode even more this year. More and more people are using the Facebook and Instagram live streaming options, from brands to companies, live content seems to be a great way to engage with the audience. Conferences, workshops and product launches are some of the potential events that can be live streamed for the social media audiences.


Chat bots and customer service

Facebook’s recent foray into chat bots for Facebook Messenger,  has given companies one more mode of communication. Chat bots are the perfect way to combine customer service with social media, which most users prefer these days. While some companies do dedicate staff to respond to each and every social media comment, it is not possible for every company to do so.


Social media analytics

As social media continues to influence business and sales, social media analytics take on a whole new meaning. This year, the importance of analytics will continue to increase, as social media becomes a factor in driving sales. Instagram has just rolled out its business feature, while Facebook’s analytics are firmly in place for companies looking to measure reach and engagement.


Networking tool

Until now, social media was seen as a tool to reach out to friends and family. However, this year, it is set to take over as a way to network and reach out to potential employees and employers. CEOs, COOs and those in upper management are making themselves accessible to give their company a human face.


Influencers and leaders

Social media influencers are already becoming the most sought after people at the moment. As these platforms continue to capture users, influencers continue to increase their reach. Influencers and leaders will garner a larger audience in the coming year. Companies can benefit immensely if they tie-up with such influencers to promote their product or service.


Changing algorithms

Facebook has changed its newsfeed algorithms multiple times in the past year and a half, and now so has Instagram. This makes it difficult for companies to reach customers. Therefore, the need for organic content that will engage users is now more important than ever. Businesses will have to devote significant resources to creating unique content if social media is one of their primary channels for advertisement.

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