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Blog April 6, 2017

Tactics to Generate Leads From Social Media

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

Social media marketing has come a long way. Social media marketers are making use of various social media platform to market their website or businesses. Platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram have helped businesses grow manifold. There are many ways and tactics which help in generating leads from social media which ultimately make the business grow in various avenues:

  1. Make Your Landing Pages Social

A website’s landing page is alike an index which helps the user know what exactly is the business all about, therefore it is vital to make it attractive as well as informational. In order to increase customer base it is very important that the current customers are willing and are able to provide word of mouth appreciation to potential customers. Therefore it is essential for your landing page to have that social element within it. There are various ways by which you can make your landing page more social.

  • Add a share button, so that if somebody likes your landing page he can share it on his profile or for that matter on his timeline
  • Add a feature to make your landing page more interactive, such as allowing the visitor to leave a comment or leave a feedback.
  • You can introduce a chat feature, where in the visitor can clarify and doubt with the customer service advisor
  • A greeting is a fabulous way to make your landing page more responsive. A short welcome or a hello provides warmth
  1. Updating a Blog Related To Your Business

You must have heard of the fact “Content is King”, indeed it’s all about traffic and more so relevant traffic. Putting a blog and updating is work half done it will only work if you can drive traffic towards your blog. It’s a like a chain reaction. Once there is an increase readability for your blog you would; it would eventually lead to greater leads. The big question is how to channelize traffic towards your blog. The easiest way is to make use of social media platforms for advertising. Following are some of the tricks which would increase readability

  • Content is not all about words, in fact visual content sells and attracts people more.
  • Short and crisp sells more than lengthy stories.
  • Hashtag is the in thing. Make use of hash tags as they pull more attention.
  1. Do Not Shy Away From Multiple Social Media Accounts for Different Segments

Social media is loaded with content. More content attracts more and more audience; therefore if your business is in various domains then it’s wise to create multiple social media accounts which would focus on the primary function. This helps in avoiding confusion and building in more synchronization between various audiences. For example

  • Account for customer service
  • An account for branding
  • An account for business
  • An account for advertisement
  1. Increasing User Engagement

Nobody likes boring and stagnant. Something which is upcoming and interactive is always more attractive to users. Therefore in order to retain the already visiting traffic and to increase the traffic it is very important to concentrate on user engagement. There are various ways to keep the motivation of the audience high. Following are few of the ways to keep the user engagement going

  • Run contest
  • Interactive chat
  • Operating a forum
  • Polls

More Brand Awareness means More Leads so your basic Brand Building techniques are evergreen and would always work!

We missed any? Share some tips that you use to generate more leads from Social media.

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