Blog January 3, 2015
Social Media Marketing Trends in 2015
Social Media Marketing saw a boom in 2014, and the rise in internet users just doesn’t seem to slow down. With this growth we have been using online sources for marketing and it has proved to be very lucrative. If you are wondering what the face of social media marketing is going to be like then here are few trends that we can predict, which we are likely to witness as we embrace another year.
1. Advancement in Facebook Ads: Facebook continues to be the most accessed social networking site and there is no reason for this to change. As Facebook has also decided to put a limit to the posts pages fans can view, the demand for advertisements will rise and so will the pricing.
2. Twitter a great platform for Advertising : Twitter has transpired with a great speed and it provides a great stand for online marketing. Twitter has made its payment structure more flexible as now it allows you to pay for advertising in different forms rather than just clicks or re tweets. This move will bring twitter a great elevation.
3. Slide share : New YouTube for Business Purposes Slide share has become a brand for presentations. It allows you to create, share and access presentations which is a great tool on Business grounds. Slide share is extending videos to the users which will allow the professionals an easy and organized access for marketing. It might outrun YouTube in terms of B2B marketers.
4. Instagram an emerging giant: Instagram has become one of the most used Apps with 200 million monthly users. It is the best site to access when it comes to image based marketing. With its easy accessibility and flexible use, it has become a great source for the marketers to project and promote their product or service. This site will do some wonders for marketers in coming year.
5. LinkedIn best choice for business networks: LinkedIn has proved to be an organized social networking site especially useful for business environments. We have witnessed the increase in number of its users in the last year and it might continue in the coming year as business networks seem to grow on this site. It might also outclass Facebook in these terms.
6. Use of online Shopping sites will shoot high: As online shopping site have proved to be very trust worthy and apt in last few years, internet users have realized the benefits of online shopping and have turned their backs towards traditional shopping.
They have a very organized marketing strategy and it is going to prove very useful in the coming years. We can only predict what 2015 has to offer for social media marketing. But you never know, as technology always surprises us in many ways. Let’s await the new trends of the New Year.
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