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Blog December 3, 2014

“Pin It” to Get Your Sales Soaring

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

Fact: Did you know that out of the millions of accounts on Pinterest, over 500, 000+ are business accounts!

Although Pinterest is a relatively new kid on the social media block, it has successfully made its way to the top 5 platforms list .Apart from being an idea generating visual tool, this networking site is extremely popular among consumers as well as small and big businesses as it has helped a great deal in increasing sales .A recent survey has revealed that a some Pins have shown a whopping 70 percent hike in figures. On an average a single Pin can result in at least 4 site views, 6 page views and 10+ times of repining in an  hour, which is sufficient to take your business places! It has also been proved that the web traffic on Pinterest is now on par .With many e commerce brands being added every day, Pinterest is sure to take your business to new heights!

Value Evaluation of a Pin 

It is being said that Pinterest is on the lead when it comes to how E-commerce companies are faring on other social media platforms. According to many buyers an appealing pin is like flipping through a colorful catalog which increases their buying decision to an 80% extent. The best thing about Pinterest is that can see how your pins are performing, see how much revenue you have received from platform and improve your sales strategy on the basis of these facts and figures! Recent case studies have revealed that many businesses have shown a 500% increase in sales after using Pinterest.

How to use Pinterest Effectively 

So the question still remains is what exactly works on Pinterest and the answer lies in the kinds of Pins you use, the quality of pins and the kinds of strategy you use!

Choosing the right social media expert

To market your brand the right way, it is extremely important for you to choose the right firm to handle your Pinterest account .

Hiring the right social media expert is extremely important to accelerate your number. Hiring the right company will make you avoid mistakes and will take your business to the right path


Coupons are the best ways to promote your brand .Consumers are in love with the idea of getting big discounts and using this though process can definitely hike up your sales.

Optimization through SEO

With many consumers searching for deals, you will need to include “keywords “in the right sections so that your business appears in the searches. Contests Contests are the best way of connecting with your audience, generating excitement and marketing your business. A contest will have many people following your account thus generating more sales.

Use Rich Pins Effectively

Another feature that will help your venture is the recently introduced Rich Pins. These pins enable you to add many details connected to your product. A rich pin can show if your product’s availability, price and features and they get automatically updated. This gives your client an easy access to your product.

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