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Blog December 5, 2014

Maximize Your ROI with a Good Social Media Campaign

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

If you dint know that your business can make money from social media, you have been missing out on something really big! It’s time for you understand a concept that will not only advertise your business but will also maximize the return on investment (ROI) through social media networking. Although it is being said that 69% consumers use the World Wide Web for making purchases, hence one cannot ignore the fact that a well formed social campaign is extremely necessary. Generating revenue through the virtual world is a common practice nowadays. It is also common knowledge that a strong social media campaign is being used by marketers therefore it is very important to understand how this new age technique can positively affect your ROI. There are several ways where a good social media campaign can give your ROI the required boost!

Brand Promotion 

The biggest return on your investment through a good social media campaign is brand promotion where simplicity works. Social media comprises of people who like to browse through and read posts. Therefore simple, low budget yet eye catching promotions will make consumers click on them thus giving you more gains without having to spend too much.

Engaging and Social Listening

Client engaging to your brand through social media can help your business a great deal that will have a direct effect on your ROI. Social Listening can nurture customer relationship thus resulting in customer loyalty.

URL Tagging

URL promotion is a common practice to promote your business but URL tagging that comes from social media has a lot to do with increasing your returns. Effective URL tagging can be used as a great tool for tracking which can also help you in effectively calculating your ROI.

Connecting to people

Social Media is all about sharing and re posting posts hence the material you offer should be enticing enough to be shared on platforms. Also, appearing higher on the Google search pages can also lead to more clicking which in turn leads to higher sales which is positively related to profit. Successfully creating such content can maximize your returns without having to do too much.

Measuring Your ROI

It is obvious that you would want to track how well your social campaign is doing versus your investment. In order to do so you will need to set realistic goals in terms of what exactly you are trying to achieve. Where some businesses might be trying to attain more brand recognition others are in need of accelerating their web traffic. Irrespective of your goal, social media can help to boost your sales as well as customer service to a great extent. Eventually sales are the result of your social reputation,  hence you can benefit extensively by a well planned engagement campaign.

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