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Blog October 29, 2018

How to find and retain new customers online?

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

As a new business owner in this rapidly changing digital world, your to-do list can be exhausting.
After figuring out which social media platforms work the best for you, the next step would be to find the right kind of customers for your brand and make them your loyal clientele.

The process of finding the right kind of audience starts with posting interesting content. If your content is only product-related, your customers will stop engaging after a while. Your social media platforms should find the delicate balance between infographics and witty content.

The easiest way to build customers is to combine cost-effective online marketing tools with the support of your existing customer base.  It can be tricky in the beginning, but once you hit the bull’s eye with finding the right kind of audience, you can get the most ROI on an extremely low cost of advertising.

There are a few social media tools listed below that you can use to your advantage:

Location-Based Marketing:

-Local search advertising is the most essential and basic type of location-based marketing. You can set up a search ad on google which will only be displayed to the users in a specific geographical area.

-Geotagging is another valuable tactic. Simply put, it is a way of attaching geographical data to your photos, videos, posts and even e-mails. Almost all the social media platforms now let their users search and share content by location. This can really help grow your business. Your brand can also use geotagging by inviting popular bloggers or influencers for events and asking them to tag you on their social media, hence increasing your visibility.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Though SEO is a vast topic with various books and blogs being written on it, in simple terms, it is the process of writing quality content and using comprehensive keywords to improve the visibility of your website or blogs to your audience via various search engines.

Using SEO the right way can organically get a lot of traffic to your website. Sit down and make a list of the targeted audience and the right keywords for your business and then spring into action.

Google Display Network (GDN):

-GDN is a resourceful way that lets you display your ad on various websites. With the help of cookies, you can position your ads to the targeted audience that visited your website, even as they browse some other websites; this is known as retargeting or remarketing.

Boosting Posts:

-Since organic traffic is becoming more and more difficult to come by social media, when you boost your posts, you are basically paying to increase your visibility and reach. You can either specially choose the demographics of your targeted audience or opt to target the friends of your followers. The key here is to identify which posts to boost and keep a track of your boosting and budgeting activity for future reference.

Many a time, new brand owners tend to overlook the fact that retaining old clients and catering to their needs is as (if not more) important than building a new customer database.

Having a potent Retention Plan is the key to your long-term source of income. Here’s why:

1) Unlike your new customers, you’ll spend much less time finding and convincing your old customers to buy your product/services.

2) Your existing customers can be an excellent source of advertising with their word-of-mouth publicity about your brand.

3) People who have been associated with you for long are also more likely to give you constructive criticism and feedback.

To build long-term customer partnerships, you need to have an extensive customer database; it will allow you to figure out which companies/people have been responsible for the most revenue for your brand and plan a strategy for them.

Rewarding your most loyal customers is the next step in the right direction. Chalk out meaningful incentives to further build their trust and loyalty towards your brand.

Personalization is a very important tool that must be a part of your marketing strategy, however big or small a business. It basically means interacting with your customers and addressing their needs and concerns, so that they feel they are being taken seriously.
Your database can include bits of specific information about your customers that will help you create a rapport with them.

In the end, your brand needs to consistently provide good service. Social media advertising is important, but nothing compares to the satisfaction on the faces of your clients. Therefore, online or offline, stick to your brand’s core ethos and values.

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