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Blog September 10, 2015

Elements of a Great Social Media Post

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

Social Media nowadays is indeed the Talk of the Town, small as well as large businesses are making use of it as it has the power of creating synergy. However, many are not aware of the key elements of a great social media post. Many people are more than satisfied by whatever effect platforms like Twitter and Facebook are making, but Social Media posts if done in the right manner can bring about an immense multiplier effect.

Following are some of the key points one must keep in mind while creating of a social media post :

Content Is The King – Arguably, words are one of the strongest mediums, and this holds true for Social Media as well. If you are able to put your words in the right manner at the right time, then half of the work is done. Therefore, one needs to produce Good Content which consists of the following few points

  • Avoid Passive Voice – Active voice is more reassuring and engaging therefore if possible always try to write in active voice. However there is nothing wrong in using passive voice, it’s just that active voice leaves a greater impact.
  • No Fluff – Writing content does not mean writing anything or everything. Pick and choose what is in demand, something which grabs the attention of the reader and which provides extra information.
  • Be Concise – Being concise is an art which needs to be practiced in order to make your social media posts more engaging. In this fast pace world, nobody has too much of time to read through lengthy post, therefore try and make it short and interesting.

Pictures And Videos – Other than content another great way to pull the attention and get more traffic is by posting interesting and eye catching visuals. By this, we mean you can support your content with a picture or you can post a video which is informative. This is a fool proof way of Increasing Traffic and Increasing Readability.

Timing – If you wish to maximize on your social media presence then you must invest some time to analyze the Traffic. That is the time when you must add in maximum content and visuals on your site, so that each time the reader logs on, she/he is greeted with engaging content.

Enhancing Commitment – Getting one time reader is good but what’s better is building on loyal readers, those who would eventually become followers. This might seem quite difficult, however if taken into account few things such as adding Like, Share and Subscribe options keep the readers in loop !

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