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Blog February 25, 2017

7 Google AdWord Mistakes to avoid!

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

Google AdWords seem to be very tempting, as it not only acts as a regular stream of income but also enhances the performance of your business. However, several businesses are not able to extract complete ROI out of Google AdWords and can’t seem to fathom where they went wrong. There are couple of mistakes which are very common, but can cost a lot for any business.

Following are few of the most common Google AdWords mistakes that must be avoided:

  1. Erroneous or Excessive Use of Keywords-What is worse than using the incorrect set of keywords? Using too many of them! If you haven’t done enough research in finding the correct keyword which would bring in maximum revenue then it can counter act and also bring down your ranking.
  2. Not Making Use of Proper Google Analytics Tools-It is good to be creative and learn to experiment at every step however it is also very important to keep in line with statistics and numbers. Sometimes, something which is doing well for you can get ignored if you do not measure its impact and vice versa, therefore proper analytical tools help you understand your status and plan forward
  3. Grouping Of Keywords Incorrectly-All of us know that using the correct keywords can do wonders, however many tend to ignore that fact that grouping of keywords is also very important. Digital marketers often tend to regroup the keywords in an incorrect manner which not only makes the keywords of no use but also cost them time and money
  1. Lack of Promotion of your own Brand-Even if you are confident that your brand is doing exceptionally well, it is still very important to bid and advertise your own brand directly rather than depending on indirect branding according to campaigns. This helps in projecting you own image and strengthen your brand image.
  2. Not Knowing the Worth of Your Customers– Large and loyal customer base is definitely something everybody wants, however every customer whether for a short period or long is important. In order to find out your loyal audience it is important to take into consideration analytics and try to retain them while working to include more.
  3. Improper Use of Negative Keywords-People often focuses on what they want to sell and forget about the fact what they do not want to sell. Google can therefore sometime fail to understand your core product and may start featuring what you do not specialise in; this might hinder your image. In order to completely eliminate what is not your core strength it is very important to make use of negative keywords. Negative literally is not always bad.
  1. Not Positioning the Ads Properly-Not many people are aware that ad positioning can make a big difference. If your aim is to promote your brand then it is best to position your ads at the top most position however if your aim is to get maximum results & engagement then its best to position your ads at number 3 or 4 would work better because only interested people would engage.

Do you know of any silly mistakes that are made while running an Ad campaign on Google? Share with us!

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