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Blog January 20, 2015

5 Signs That You Need in a New Logo

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

The recent advent of Yahoo around its new Logo has left other companies thinking if there is a need to revise their own Logo now. In accordance with some of the industry experts in the space of Design, the Logo of a company is the face of the business they hold. If the owners of an Organization feel that their Logo does not represent their business, then certainly, they need to look for a professional designer to give their company a new face in the form of a Logo.

Some of the major indicators of the need of a new logo include:

1: It is not in accordance with the Modern Media

Your logo should be in accordance with the current trends of the market. If you feel that your logo was designed 15 years back, then you certainly need to get it redesigned. Social Media is one place where the promotion of a business is done largely. Hence, there is a need to get a Logo made which appeals to the audiences of today.

2: Lack of representation of the current business

A business tends to evolve with the pace of time. New inventions and discoveries always tend to alter the scope of a business. Hence, if you feel that your business has changed its face in the past few years, then you certainly need a new logo that can represent your current aspirations.

3: Your Logo was designed by You

Sometimes business owners tend to feel that they are best people to design their own logos. However, in the present scenarios, it is extremely important to seek the assistance of a professional designer to help you design an eye catchy logo with an exceptional appeal to it.

4: Weak Logo when compared to Competitor’s

In order to survive in an industry, it is extremely important to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors. With the latest changes in the marketing strategies, the Logo of a company has becomes one of the most essential aspects that should be taken into consideration before the marketing is started off. These days, every company ensures that the Logo is up to the mark. However, if you feel that your Logo is not as strong as your competitor’s logo, then you certainly need to hire an expert designer to take care of the job for you today.

5: Complex Logo

Do you think your logo is too complex for a normal person to understand ? If yes, then the first thing you need to do is simplify your own thought process. Once that is done, you can give a clear picture to your design team and get this fixed. You need to pick the one thing that makes a difference in your business and promote the same through your Logo. A simplified logo is indeed targeted towards a better understanding to your customers about yourself and your business as a whole.

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