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Blog August 25, 2016

7 Applications every Blogger must use

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Writen by nitin.jha

Viewed 3 min read

There was a time when only a few professions existed, and then nobody had ever thought that people would be able to draw a 7 figure salary by simply sitting in front of her computer and typing few things which might interest the audience. Yes, I am talking about blogging. People are getting more and more interested in blogging, not only because it’s a great revenue stream but also helps in several other things.
However, it is not as easy as it sounds. There are several things which need to be thought upon. Along with hard work, it is smart work which comes to rescue. When we talk about smart work and clever work then it’s worthwhile to make use of various tools and applications which help your blog reach new levels
1. WordPress for Mobile:
Let’s accept it, everyone is Mobile these days! Keeping in mind, the need to stay mobile for bloggers, WordPress for mobile is an excellent app which helps bloggers do everything which is possible for their blog, such as write post, post pictures and manage notifications. Instant is in!
2. Google Analytics for Mobile:
Google analytics for mobile goes without saying, is a saviour for all bloggers, as it’s like a report card for your blog. With the help of Google Analytics for mobile, you can check the number of visitors, page views, most popular post etc. on the go. So don’t let your dynamic schedule get in the way of proper analytics.
3. Hootsuite:
Losing on one single day on your blog can cost a lot therefore it is important to schedule your activities even on an off day. How is this possible? This can now be done with the help of Hootsuite where you can schedule your social media activities without your viewers getting to know that you are actually not working. So, keep em engaged always!
4. Afterlight:
Pictures play a very important role in any blog as visual appeal is essential. Agreed, not always do you get the most desired pictures, but with the right set of features to edit, you can turn these simple pictures into visual delights. With the help of Afterlight app, you would be able to make minor changes just like Photoshop and make your pictures come to life.
5. Dragon Dictation:
Dragon Dictation is one of a kind application which comes very handy for a blog with loads of content. If you want to jot down something on the go and do not have a pen and paper handy, then why not make use of Dragon Dictation as it allows you to dictate and makes a note of it which you can even mail and save it for future reference.
6. Splice: 
Just like pictures, videos and tutorials form an integral part of your blog. Given the attention span of viewers is decreasing considerably, the videos need to be to the point and interesting. In order to get crisp videos and clips, make use of Splice which would help you edit your videos to perfection.
7. Periscope:
If you want to invite a celebrity on your blog and would like to throw open the forum to your audience for question and answer round with your celebrity guest then downloading periscope can prove to be very handy. Given Bloggers are generally more hooked to Twitter, we chose Periscope over Facebook Live.

What are some other applications that you use to make blogging not only a pleasant experience but also profitable? Share below!

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